Monday, May 13, 2013


I am constantly thinking about words for I work with them. And I found a very interesting sentence in a book: András Feldmár (Hungarian psychologist living in Canada) wrote in a book (made of his lectures), The rainbow of conscious-states. Sorry if the translation is not perfect.

"What we see or don't see doesn't depend on whether we have a word for it, or we don't have. But even if we do have a word for it, it doesn't mean that it really exists. It might be a part we have created so that we can talk about it."

Az, hogy mit látunk és mit nem, attól is függ, hogy van-e rá szavunk vagy nincs. De ha van is rán szavunk, az még nem jelenti azt, hogy olyan valóban létezik. Lehet, hogy ez is olyan rész, amit azért teremtettünk, hogy beszéljünk róla.

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