Monday, June 24, 2013


This midsummer (or the day of Saint John) was amazing though nothing was as I had planned.
 Previously we were in the Tátra Mountains, In Rzeszów and in Zakopane, together with Hungarians a Polish. Everybody way either younger of older than me, but it didn't matter, we had great fun hiking and playing together. It was simply amazing.
And then we were at the Balaton with friends, the most fabulous things were to swimming deep in the lake and then talking till dawn about serious and interesting things of life. We so in need of these kind of things.
And yesterday it was the day of Svieta Ivan or Saint John the baptist, protector of Horvátzsidány, the small croatian village where my grandma is from. We were invited, and it was not only a day together with the family, but as we were listening the croatian songs in the church, I felt like being by the Adriatic sea (though I haven't really been there).
My cousins were playing in the tambourine band and later on they showed how to play on it. And in the mass they were singing in two or more voices! Even the Our father was like so gay I wanted to dance. In the evening I did dance with my uncle. He also gave us some old stuff like a SPINNING WHEEL even if broken. I definitely will fix it :)
And my granny's sister took us to the cemetery and told us who was who, what kind of relative in that small graveyard. We were at home.
The point is to get closer together and accept things we might don't even understand.And after loosing my confidence on the roads after my tiny crash I can drive again.
Thank you, my Lord! :)

Friday, June 7, 2013

late spring

Today the first red rose bloomed in our garden (better late than never).
The fish flamed out in the pan.
I wrote an article about tales.
A throstle bird found us worthy to make a nest in the corner of the garden, under the grape, and we can hear the chirping of the nestling. I hope they like walnut.
I was singing alone on the top of the rock and talking with the storm.
I messed my weekend, but it's going to be ok. The Danube is in flood and I go to help, even if I am only a drop in the sea.
What a day, what a week, what a life!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Still after two months of arriving home from my travellings, people keep asking me: how can it be that you are here? For how long you are staying? What is the next station? Tell us about it!
And I think I'm full of these questions. They (the questions) are trying to  control me - even if accidentaly -  and put me into a box, glue a mask on me. Yes, I'm a traveller (but not only that). And others are travellers too! Only it is probably easier abroad.
What I am waiting for?
This period even if it is a little bit dryer then the previous ones, is not a coincidence.
I have to experience the bare myself in the denudated life.
And then: forward.
Until that: back to the folk tales. They contain all the answers.

PS: Today is the 93rd anniversary of the Trianon decision when Hungary had been devided into pieces after the 1st world war. God bless Hungary and all Hungarians!

Sokan kérdik: hogyhogy itthon vagy? meddig vagy? hova utazol legközelebb? mesélj, milyen volt!

És azt hiszem, lassan elég a kérdésekből. Ezek a kérdések - akaratlanul is - megpróbálnak irányítani, beskatulyázni, álarcot tapasztanak rám.
Igen, utazó vagyok (és nem csak). De mindenki más is az! Csak idegenben könnyebb (utazónak lenni), mint otthon.

Mire is várok?
Nem véletlen ez a szárazabb időszak sem, meg kell tapasztalnom a lecsupaszodott ént a lecsupaszodott életben.
Aztán tovább.
Addig is népmeséket olvasok, abban benne van minden válasz.