Thursday, July 25, 2013


So, I am in Assisi again, exactly in the convent and the Basilica Papale di Santa Maria degli Angeli, for volunteering for the third time. And again: I don t have words for it. So amazing, in spite of we are working all day long. The way to here was also long, from Hungary to Bologna by hitchiking, then by train. And now here I am, where the air is full of the spirit of San Francesco, and the friars and sisters warmly welcomed me and my Italian is better day by day, the food is amazing, sometimes we can learn how to make Italian food. And every day happens something, that shows me the incredible grace of God.

Grazie per tutti che posso essere qua, i frati e le suore ogni giorno mi mostrano Dio in piccole cose, e anche fare il volontariato significa che sorridiamo, o confrontiamo con le gente, ma la direzione e chiaro - verso al Creatore. Non ho parole.